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Rosie lives to smell the Roses and Survive Cancer.

Rosie’s Amputation Day!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 8:57 am on Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Rosie Checking into Hospital

Dear World:  This was a stressful day for me “Rosie” and my family.  We had all kind of tests yesterday.  We stayed overnight in a hotel, which was actually pretty cool, it’s fun going on trips, I always like going for rides in the car.  I thought we were going to Disney World or something.  I was unaware of wear Mommy and Daddy were taking me.  I know they love me so I didn’t think I had to worry.       

I usually don’t worry about anything because I am a Golden Retreiver Dog and all I think about is eating, sleeping and finding sticks, and loving my pawrents!  They love me good and I love being with them.          

Me “Rosie” at a HOTEL! This is Cool going on a Trip!



This is me the morning I woke up March 16th in a Hotel near the hospital.    Then we are at the hospital my last picture before Amputation.  I am totally unaware of where I am and why I’m here.  I know I’ve been here before but not really sure what they are going to do to me today!.    I know it will be a difficult day the way Mom and Dad keep hugging me.    They took me in at 9:00 a.m.  and I was in there for a long time.  I couldn’t see mom and dad and wondered where they were?  But then about 4:00 they gave me some good drugs and I had a nice sleep.   I didn’t feel a thing!.  My eyes opened at 6:00 p.m.  and I heard my mom and dad were still sitting in the waiting room waiting to find out if I woke up after surgery or not.  Well I DID!!!! YEAH!!!.      

I am 12 but I’m not giving up yet.  THis has been my 3rd surgery in 7 months so I was relieved to wake up too.  I feel kind of loopy.  I didn’t want to get up or eat or drink anything yet.  They called my Mommy this morning and told her I was having trouble getting up and breathing kind of heavy.  Well I always get out of breath,  when I was in pain.  I hope that clears up and gets better after I get over this recovery time?  I’m out of breath.  That worry’s mommy.  I know she is worried about me!!!!      

They helped me get up to go Pee with this stupied sling.  I didn’t like that at all.  They told mom that I didn’t like it.  So she’s wondering how she’s going to take me to the bathroom.  Maybe after today I’ll feel stronger and I’ll be able to get up on my own.  They are giving me good drugs for pain and put a nice ice pack on my incission for swelling.  I hope I’m going to be okay.  My mommy will be lost with out me.  I’ll let you know latter how I feel.  Thanks for checking on me all you nice Tripawd friends and for caring about me.  I have a lot left to do.  They say I may be able to come home on Friday!  Miss my Mommy and Daddy a lot right now and they miss me.        

Think about me!      Rosie 

P.S.  Here are some pictures of me the last few weeks before my Amputation.  I was having fun.  I hope I have fun again!    




   Carmen (Catie's Mom)

March 17, 2010 @ 9:58 am   

Oh Rosie! What a strong girl you are.

Look forward to an update! Sending lots of good wishes.



March 17, 2010 @ 12:34 pm   

Rosie, we’re hoppy to see your Mom was able to blog. Please keep us posted. We all have our paws and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.


   Pat (Ruthie's Mom)

March 18, 2010 @ 1:52 am   

You’ll be fine Rosie…but I worry about your Mom! Show them how strong you are! Can’t wait to hear how you’re doing…Hugs all around.


   Mackenzie's Mom

March 18, 2010 @ 4:07 am   

Rosie – we’re so happy to hear that you are out of your surgery. You just need some rest and in a few days you’ll be doing a lot better and will be feeling a lot stronger too. Mackenzie stayed in the hospital for a couple of extra days too. It actually helped me because she was able to be cared for round the clock by techs and vets so I didn’t have to worry about her being at home and not knowing what to do if she had any problems from her surgery. I also remember the next day in the morning after her surgery when I was told that Mackenzie wasn’t able to get up yet and she wasn’t eating. I was a wreck but then a couple of hours later, I got the call that she was doing much better and was starting to move around. So it just takes some time. So tell your mom to relax and get some rest before you come home. We hope you feel better very soon. Lots of golden hugs to you and your mom & dad! Kami and Mackenzie


   Pat (Ruthie's Mom)

March 17, 2010 @ 10:25 pm   

Hey Rosie, enjoy your rest time! Soon you’ll be home and wanting to run all over the place…you’ll get the hang of the pee thing, Ruthie did although she dribbles on her leg a bit but no one cares. You’re so strong to have had so many surgeries so close together!!! Your main job right now is to give your Mom lots of kisses and tell her you’re OK!!! Ruthie & Ruthie’s Mom Pat



March 18, 2010 @ 10:47 am   

Rosie we are thinking about you a lot! You will do great! In a couple days you will feel good and go home and start the recovery process with your family! This is a stressful time so stay strong and think positive thoughts (we are)!

We love all of your pictures! You are a beautiful girl Rosie!

Dillon and Rhys

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