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Rosie's Rose Garden – Life!

Rosie lives to smell the Roses and Survive Cancer.

Rosie’s First Week After Amputation.

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 10:22 pm on Thursday, March 25, 2010


I’m HOME!!!!  This is me on day 6 after Amputation Surgery.  I feel tired, but I’m doing very good.  I don’t have as much pain as I did before with my bad leg.  It was hurting so much I couldn’t walk and I was falling down all the time.  Now I can hop around and I’m getting pretty good at it.  I still have a little trouble steering, walking a straight line, but I can hop really good.  Since I was already hopping on 3 legs anyway for the past few months it has not been too  hard getting used to being a tripawd.  The best part is my extremely painful leg is gone.  My incission is not bad.  Doctor did a real good job.  It’s healing very well.  My doctor says I did as well as any dog after amputation even thou I’m 12 years old!!.  So you older dogs there is hope and I’m living proof!  I still have life left to live in my Rose Garden – Life!  I want to smell the flowers, the grass, the air, enjoy the breeze and just enjoy being with my pawrents!  I’m so glad I did the Amputation.  The week of Amputation was more stressful than now.  We were so worried if I would be okay.  But I’m okay.  I made it thru and I’m getting a lot of sleep to help me recover.  But I enjoy my walks outside, I can walk the whole fence line, but sometimes I’m too tired to walk back. So Mom and I stop and I lay down a little bit before I walk the rest of the way. 

My mom ordered me a stroller, I think she thinks I’m a baby,  so we can go on walks in the neighborhood!  But I’m going to show her I don’t really need it, she probably wasted her money buying me a stroller.  But I’ll ride for her, it may be fun.    

 Anyway my friends in Tripawd land.  I’m trying to recover.  I was feeling pretty good up till Monday above.  Then on Tuesday I started to feel really out of it.  My pain pills were done, but I think I need a few more days of pain killers so I can rest comfortably.  I just can’t seem to get comfortable.  Laying down is the hardest, getting my body down on the ground.  Mom bought me a new bed but I don’t like to lay on it.  She keeps calling me over to the bed, but I’d rather lay on the cold hard floor!  It’s cooler.  So mom got me some more pain meds today and I feel a little better.    

 My pawrents gave me a bone.! The good kind!  

Bones are great!


I'm tired!


A week after Surgery!





March 25, 2010 @ 10:36 pm   


Rosie looks happy ! She has the golden smile :-)

Sophie – who is also 12 and had her amputation (front left) on Feb 25th – went through similar recovery – and scared me for a few days when she developed a fever and quit eating. The pain meds really affected her badly – and the antibiotics did a number on her stomach. Once she was done with all the medications – she was a new/old dog. I hope that your Rosie is quickly back to her ‘normal’ personality.

All the best – she looks great.



March 25, 2010 @ 10:42 pm   

Well HELLO Rosie! Glad to meet you!

You got great looks like me! (I look like a golden sorta. I don’t care what the DNA tests said!)

Glad to hear you are doing so well.
FYI, I got a stroller too! It sits in the garage and gathers spider webs and dust! But hey, I’ve seen my mom spend money on stupider things…like the weights and weight bench for daddy that sit beside my stroller in the garage! And then there was that telescope…

Cool Comet



March 26, 2010 @ 12:32 am   

You Look Mah-velous Rosie girl!! Tell your moms to buy you more of them good bones and don’t knock the stroller!! I’m always tryin to get my moms to carry me around so I can saves my energy for good smells and new experiences. Keep hopping big girl!!!

Luvs, (the other) Rosie



March 26, 2010 @ 7:18 am   

Hi Rosie,

Happy 1 week ampuversary! You’re looking real good! :-) Hope you continue to heal and get back to your normal self soon…

Tell your mom to keep posting pictures of you! I can’t get enough! :-)

Angel Jake’s Mom



March 26, 2010 @ 5:19 pm   

Well done Rosie!

You are doing so well!
Its horrible to feel a bit poorly as you recover, but it wont be long untill you are whizzing around again.

Enjoy your bone :)

Karen and Diesal x


   Mackenzie's Mom

March 26, 2010 @ 8:51 pm   

Oh Rosie – we are so happy that you are doing so well. You look great and chewing on a bone? That’s pawesome! I bought a bed for Mackenzie too (one of those orthopedic kinds) but she preferred the floor like you. So I ended up returning the bed. Can’t wait to see you in your new stroller – that should be really fun (but at some point you’ll probably have to break the news to your mom that you really don’t need it – but you might as well humor her now since she’s been under a lot of stress lately:). Keeping our paws crossed that you feel even better very soon. Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)


   jack crowder

March 27, 2010 @ 1:00 am   

Rosie,you look really beautiful! I can’t believe it’s been a week!

Do me a favor, sleep a ton, rest whenever you can, give your pawrents a few pitiful over the shoulder looks and your get treats like you can’t believe!

The chauffeur bought me a wagon. I don’t “need” no stinkin wagon! But you know sometimes I get kinda tired from playin or runnin around and I hop in the wagon so the maid and the chauffeur won’t worry about me. I also use the wagon to get a ton of attention. People love to see a “poor helpless dog” riding around with a human doing all the work! You’ll get hugs and kisses like you won’t believe!

You take care of yourself, we golden girls got to stick together. We have 1 yellow rose in the back yard, tomorrow morning I’ll give it sniff and send a good thought your way.

Your friend, Shelby, the P.P.



March 27, 2010 @ 8:25 am   

Rosie you look fantastic in those pictures! Hope the additional pain pills help! It is amazing the difference once you get rid of the bad leg, you become a happy dog again!!!

Keep getting spoiled! Enjoy life, walks, your pawrents and your bones! You deserve it!!

Dillon and Rhys

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