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Rosie lives to smell the Roses and Survive Cancer.

Doggy’s Day out in the New Stroller!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 10:07 pm on Saturday, March 27, 2010

So it came.  The stroller came before the weekend.  Yippie!!! Now we get to try it out this weekend.  So here we are Friday night snapping the contraption together.  And wow what a nice stroller!  It’s even Gator Blue, the Color or our Team;  “Go Gators!”  Of course since the Florida Gators, University of Florida is where I had all my surgeries, we have to support them!    

So here I am with my Gator Blue Stroller and my new Gator Collar on.  But guess what?  My stroller is too short.  My leg sticks out and it’s hard for me to relax in there!  My mom thinks I should ride in that!!???  She was so disappointed that it was not long enough.   She kept trying to make it work.  She put pillows in there, she made me sit in it with my head sticking out the top.  I kept thinking,  when will she give this a rest!  I was pretty tolerant.  But then I just got out.  Mom was disappointed.  


The next day she tried again.  She doesn’t give up!  But that’s why I’m still here so I won’t knock that.  Anyway she got my leash out and you know how much I love my leash!!!  oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! A walk, A walk, A walk!  I know what leash means we get to go on a walk and I always get so excited about that.  But I didn’t want to ride in the stroller I was going to walk all by myself!!   So she let me walk for awhile.   She brought this big blue stroller along and I was wondering what it was for???   

I don't need to Ride!

 Well I got tired and so I let her put me in there again.  But this time it was not so bad.  Hey this is GREAT!!!  I can see the whole neighborhood!  We walked down the whole street and I could feel the nice breeze blowing my hair!! It was not so  bad, hey this is actually kind of FUN!!!.     

So we rode, and we rode.   It is a little hard to get comfortable in this thing.  I wish it were a little longer as I have a long paw and it sticks out the front.  But I think it will be easier the next time.   

Strollin is not so bad! Look at me, Surfs Up! I'm Hangin' 5!

I could get used to this!




March 27, 2010 @ 11:02 pm   

Rosie, you look great in that stroller! I think it’s a great backup for you when you get tired on walks, just like today. And I think you look a bit like a regal queen being shown her kingdom. If I were you, I’d let your Mom push you around in that stroller all the time!!



March 27, 2010 @ 11:18 pm   

Hey, Rosie – you look great in your new stroller! What a great way to see the neighborhood when you get a little tired! Way to go!
Holly and Holly’s mom



March 27, 2010 @ 11:40 pm   

Totally sweet stroller Rosie! I am jealous and wish I were a tripawd so I too could get a cool stroller like that! Maybe I could tell my Mom we were getting it for my baby brother Rhys. He can’t go on long walks yet because his legs are too short :) ! I really hope you enjoy that stroller when you are tired! You look great in it and you look like you are enjoying it after a nice walk!

We hope you are feeling good!

Dillon and Rhys



March 27, 2010 @ 11:56 pm   

Ooooo! Too cute! Jack says he wants one. Except I think my parent’s dog would probably end up riding in it more than he does :P Rosie looks adorable riding in her new stroller…and you were smart to take all those pictures!

<3 Laura and Sleepy Jack



March 28, 2010 @ 1:43 am   

Hangin’ Five…Bwaaaahahahahahahaha. Pawesome stroller Rosie! You’ll get it figured out. Keep on hangin’!



March 28, 2010 @ 2:34 am   

That’s super duper Rosie! Mine is a little small for me, too.

Happy Trails!




March 28, 2010 @ 2:11 pm   


So this is Rosie from last summer! I remember you when you started SRS but did not realize you were the same pup until reading your entire blog (great blog, Rosie girl! You are sure lucky to have such nice pawrents!).

Glad to hear you are recovering from surgery so quickly, impressive for a senior. The stroller sounds like a terrific idea. Then your pawrents don’t have to worry about how far you can go.



March 28, 2010 @ 5:47 pm   

That stroller is just too cute! Where did your mom get it? I’m glad that you finally figured out how to fit in it and enjoy the ride!

Angel Jake’s Mom


   Mackenzie's Mom

March 28, 2010 @ 6:22 pm   

Hey Rosie, that’s a pretty cool looking stroller. Where did your mom find it? It looks like you’re having a lot of fun even if you don’t need to ride in it. As long as you’re able to make your mom feel good, and she takes you on all of these walks, then it’s probably worth milking this and going for the ride (a piece of advice – lots of treats too!!) That must have been really funny with your head sticking out of the top. Moms sure can go crazy about making us feel comfortable…whatever it takes I guess. (my mom’s the same way.) Happy walking! :)
Mackenzie your golden friend



March 29, 2010 @ 3:05 am   

Rosie – that is a great stroller – you look very relaxed “hanging 5”- and what a great idea – you can go for long walk/rides – enjoy the sunshine and the breeze on your face – get out when you want and walk.

Thanks for the great pictures. :-)

Sending lots of Golden hugs and licks from Sophie,
Tana and Sophie



March 29, 2010 @ 12:28 pm   

…pretty cool looking stroller. Where did your mom find it?

For everyone who has asked … be sure to check out the Tripawds Gear blog post with a review and links to various strollers for dogs big and small.

But now I must admit … we too are curious where you got it! :-)


   Carmen (Catie's Mom)

March 29, 2010 @ 8:22 pm   

What a sweet girl! Rosie, you look too cute in that stroller. Enjoy all the attention!



March 29, 2010 @ 10:57 pm   

I saw this stroller when I took Rosie to see her Doctor at the Small Animal Hospital. Another dog owner had one like it for their large German Shepherd. I asked him where he got it. He said online. So I just googled Dog Strollers online. It is made by a company called “Pet Gear” in Vermont I found different prices at different websites. The cheapest was on EBAY. Seller was “Adventurepets.” also out of Vermont. I paid $147.98 included shipping. That was it. I thought a pretty good deal.

Rosie rode in her stroller today. We start out walking and she walks a short while. She got very tired so then I put her in the stroller and she enjoyed the rest of the walk riding. I think she really liked it a lot. She was observing everything we passed by. It is working very well I think. I’m hoping to take her on a walk every day. I thought other Tripawds would use strollers too. ??



April 23, 2010 @ 11:53 pm   

I thought you might like to know we lost our brave friend Opie.
You can read about it here:

And we had a video made for him here:




May 6, 2010 @ 12:48 am   

Hey Rosie, just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing? Write when you can, we miss you.

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