Wondering What Tomorrow will bring?
Tomorrow we go to the hospital again. I wrote last week. Rosie has a huge mass/lump size of your palm or hand on her chest. It is not soft, it seems hard and it is near the surface. I’m trying to prepare for the worst. It is so large that is why I fear the worst. I’m not expecting it to be good news. I’m trying to remain hopeful, but who knows maybe we can dodge that “C” once again. They will probably poke her again and test it. It will seem like last year all over again. Here she is today awaiting tomorrow and what will happen next. I don’t know how to put these pictures where I want them. But you get the idea. She’s a happy girl and we’re waiting for tomorrow! Will let you know.
September 19, 2010 @ 6:04 pm
We hope it is a benign tumor too! No fun worrying :(
-Chloe’s mom
September 19, 2010 @ 7:28 pm
Your family here on Tripawds are all pulling for you, pretty Rosie. We are all hoping and praying for you tomorrow. Good luck tomorrow, and let us know how it comes out – good or bad, we are here for you all.
Ginger and her pack
September 19, 2010 @ 7:30 pm
You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.
We’ll be sending positive thoughts your way tomorrow.
Shelby, the P.P.
September 19, 2010 @ 7:45 pm
You are so pretty in your pictures Rosie! Enjoying a day in the garden, can’t ask for much more than that.
I am sending best wishes for tomorrow.
Please ask your family to give you a big hug from me.
Spirit JD’s mom
September 19, 2010 @ 7:53 pm
Sorry I forgot to add that my sweet JD had two lipomas (fatty tumors) and we just watched them for a couple of years. I insisted we measure them at each visit and watch for growth. They didn’t change much. Then when she lost some weight they seemed to really ‘grow’, but the vet explained that they just seemed bigger as she was slimmer!
Hoping this is the case for you.
Spirit JD’s mom
September 19, 2010 @ 8:05 pm
That picture of Rosie sitting pretty is just darling. Catie does that too!
I won’t say not to worry yourself because if it was me, the fear would be constantly simmering and I’d have to be vigilant to beat it down. Try to keep some energy for positive thoughts. For right now, this moment, take your cue from Rosie – she doesn’t look too worried about tomorrow at all.
Sending a world of pawsitive thoughts and wishes your way this evening.
September 19, 2010 @ 8:41 pm
I offer you hope. I found one on Sammy right before his surgery, it was hard and big on his side. Same side as his cancerous leg. They aspirated it and it was just another lump. It can happen that way..
Please let us know, and in the meantime we will be sending up a prayer for your pretty girl tonight.
Sammy and Elizabeth
September 19, 2010 @ 10:57 pm
rosie, our paws are cross that you get good news!! you are a brave and beautiful girl…help your mom be brave like you!!!!
gayle & charon
September 20, 2010 @ 11:42 am
Best wishes for the vet visit. Keep us posted and try to remain positive! Good things can’t happen without good thoughts.