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Rosie's Rose Garden – Life!

Rosie lives to smell the Roses and Survive Cancer.

We Miss Rosie!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 10:39 pm on Friday, January 28, 2011

To All the Dog Lover Friends whom we’ve met on Tripawds for the last year.

We’ve had a trialsome journey.  It was a year ago that we were facing Rosie’s amputation surgery.  It was a stressful time.  But we got thru it.  I was so nervous about the whole thing.  Here we are now about a year latter.  It seems like so long ago. 

As some of you know we lost Rosie on September 22nd, 2010.  A very SAD!!!!! day for us.  4 months ago.  We don’t know if  we’ll ever get along without her.  We miss her so very much.  Our heart just stopped that day.  It’s so hard to give your heart to these wonderful, faithful companions only to loose your heart when they have to leave.  Someone gave me a photo album which said : Remember how much I love you, but don’t be sad don’t even grieve, It was just my time to leave. 

I will never think there is a good time to leave.  I would never be able to pick a day for them to leave.  So probably it was best for us that she had to be put to sleep suddenly because if I had to pick the day to take her in I don’t think I could have done that.  I did hold her in my lap and looked at ther the whole time they    administered the dose of sleep medicine.  I can’t even say it.  It’s too hard but she is in no pain now.  She went thru so much this last year.

Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing keeping her going for that extra year.  She was diagnosed in August 2009  She DIed September 2010.  Just a little over a year.  I thought she was going to make it 2 years maybe.  We did all the stuff, we gave her the K-9 Immunity, we gave her the vitamins the powders, the natural food, the grain free food and the raw diet to loose the weight.  We thought we were doing everything right.  But you no what you just can’t stop “C” (cancer). 

I had Cancer too 5 years ago.  They took me to death and back practically to kill it.  I’m still here.  But dogs don’t get the same kind of Chemo.  It’s too strong for them.

I miss her.  I just am not me with out her.  I don’t even think another dog will make the loss feel better right now.  And I don’t feel good about getting another dog right now.  So for now we are dogless and missing our Girl Rosie every day, every hour.  SHe’s just not there. 

Thanks for listening to Rosie’s story, her Journey of Life in her Rose Garden this last year.  It helped to journal all these things that we went thru and maybe it will help someone else make the decisions they need to make.    We had her for 12 1/2 years total. We brought her home when she was only 8 weeks old.  She was our child in a way since we don’t have children of our own.  Maybe we did a lot of things that may or may not have helped her.  But at least we know we did our best to give her quality of life until the end.  And we did it all because we loved her so much.  She will always be in our memory. 

Thank you so much for all your kind words and thoughts the last year. 

Best Wishes to All

Rosie’s Mom and Dad




January 28, 2011 @ 10:49 pm   

Rosie’s Mom and Dad –

Thank you for sharing Rosie’s story.

Life’s an uncertain journey; we never know what’s around the corner. You’ve certainly had your battles!

Never doubt that you gave Rosie a marvellous life and an extra precious year and know that as long as you remember her and hold her in your hearts, she’ll never be gone.



January 29, 2011 @ 2:11 am   

Rosie’s Mom & Dad,

Don’t second guess your decision to have your Rosie for another year. A year is terrific. She had another year to give love and get love back.

You gave her all the vitamins and powders and did everything right. That’s part of the reason Rosie got a whole year. You were good pawrents and Rosie had a wonderful life as a result.

Not ready for another dog yet? That’s okay. But sometimes it’s time even if you don’t think you are ready. Think about it. No dog can replace Rosie. But, you are such good dog pawrents that the shame would be for a dog not to have the benefit of you.

Read, “The Last Will & Testament of Silverdeen Emblem O’Neil” It has helped me after each dog I have lost…I am on number eight and none of them ever replaced the one before…it’s impossible. They were all unique and brought totally different personalities and experiences to my life.

Take your time. Remember Rosie. Look Forward.
Spirit Opie’s and Earthly Mattie’s mom



January 29, 2011 @ 9:19 am   

Rosie’s Mom and Dad, we are with you in your grief. We are like you in that Ginger is our child because we don’t have any human kids. We know things were tough in the last year and a half, but you did everything you could for your Rosie, and trust me – she loved you for it. It must have extra tough since you had your own battle with the ugly “C” but we are glad that you are still here and that you found Tripawds. Know that we too miss Rosie and hearing about her life. She will live forever in our memories.

Ginger’s Pack



January 29, 2011 @ 2:02 pm   

Thank you for checking in and sharing your feelings. And bless you for doing everything you did for Rosie. Time may never heal the wound left by letting her go, but it does make it easier, eventually.

Don’t miss the Pet Loss Grief Support Resources that Jerry recently posted in the Tripawds News blog. Peace.


   Mackenzie's Mom

January 29, 2011 @ 8:14 pm   

Hi Rosie’s Mom,
It’s very strange, but today I was just talking about you to a couple of other members, wondering how you were doing since your loss. And then to see your blog…. You probably don’t know yet but we lost Mackenzie on Dec 29th – she finally lost her battle after 16 months. I’m just devastated and I know exactly how you’re feeling. I don’t have kids either and she was my kid – I just loved her through and through, she was my world, my everything, and I know that’s how you felt about your Rosie too. So it’s really good to hear from you and you might want to think about what Spirit Opie’s Mom said about getting another dog. When I got Mackenzie it was only 1 month after I lost my other dog to lymphoma. I was heartbroken, devastated and didn’t think I could love another dog like that again – well Mackenzie proved me wrong in a very short time. I know your Rosie girl was/is extremely special, as was/is (I hate to use past tenses) my Mackenzie. That’s something that will never change and they’ll always be in our hearts forever.
Kami, Angel M and Kobe



February 4, 2011 @ 11:14 pm   

Rosie’s family, it’s OK to feel the way you do, losing a beloved companion isn’t something you just get over. Take all the time you need to heal, and some day, just maybe, you may find it in your heart to help another pup.

We are always so sad when a Tripawd earns her or his wings. We want them to live forever. But nature has made it so that their lives are shorter, and we are blessed with being able to have so many dogs in our longer human lifespans. This is because we really need to learn the lessons they try to each us, and one dog alone isn’t cut out for that much work. The teaching duties must be shared among many. Always remember that Rosie’s lessons and her life she shared with you will never go away.

You did everything you could to help her thrive, which she did. One year in a dog’s life is a long, long time. I know it doesn’t seem that way, but I promise you it is. Rosie will never be far from your heat, I promise.

Thank YOU for being here to share your journey with us. We wish you all the comfort and peace in the world.



March 5, 2011 @ 10:24 pm   

Jerry: This is Rosie’s Mom. We are still missing Rosie so much. It has been 5 long months with out her. I still think of her every single day! And I am still feeling her presense in the house around me, all her familiar sounds, smells, noises and places she laid down. I feel like she is till here at times. I remember the last day and that memory is hard to get over. If I can just start to remember our good times and put that last day in the background. It is so hard to get past that last day.

By the way I know my membership with Tripawds is almost over. I started it a year ago this week right before we took Rosie for her Amputation in March. A whole year has gone by!!! It seems like yesterday but so long ago too. I want to remain a member. I don’t want to loose Rosie’s Blog and all the comments. I did save her blog to my computer. I don’t know how to save the comments is there a way to save them too? But I just don’t know how do I renew my membership or does it charge my credit card automatically.??? I just don’t want to loose Rosie’s Blog.

Please let me know how to renew.??

Rosie’s Mom – P.S. and thanks for listening to all my sob stories.



March 7, 2011 @ 7:39 pm   

Did you get the email we sent? You can check the status of your auto-renewing Tripawds Supporter subscription anytime from the Supporter tab in your dashboard. But Rosie’s blog will always remain online here regardless of whether you maintain its Supporter status.



April 6, 2011 @ 10:47 pm   

Yes We received your email. We’re so glad Rosie’s story will remain on Tripawds. I let the subscription renew. This has been an excellent way to journal all my feelings about Rosie’s life and our experience’s with her. We Love her so much and am thankful we can come here whenever we need to to remember her. Thank you for all the support.
Rosie’s Mom

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