I will remember you “Rosie”
I will remember you – “Rosie”
Rosie has been gone now for 6 1/2 months and it seems like just yesterday. My greatest fear is forgetting. I don’t want to loose Rosie’s memory all the little sweet and wonderful things she was to me. Rosie was special to me. As all our dogs are to us. I feel terrible that I have not yet made any tribute to her at this late date. My life became very busy after she passed and I had not yet spent the time putting her photos or videos into a tribute for her. I feel terrible about this. I want and need  to do this for her memory. I keep putting it off now as it will be painful.  But I want to.
Below is a card I made for the Doctors right after she was diagnosed and had her first surgery for Oesteosarcoma. She was not amputated right away, she had Stereotactic radiation first. This was her first card to the Doctors. We were so thankful then that she had made it thru that and had no idea of what laid ahead for us the next few months. It would be a year latter after this that we lost Rosie. This card reminds me of how hopeful I was when we first started our Journey to Fight Cancer!
Rosie will always be loved by us. Daddy and Mommy are not healing very fast. We have been sad and lonely for “Our Girl” . We are contemplating getting another Golden Girl.  I feel guilty even looking at another Golden. But some say it is the best medicine for a “Broken Golden Heart”. I don’t know. I know sooner or latter we need a dog in our life, I just don’t know when would be the right time?  We will never loose our memory of Rosie. I don’t know whether getting another dog is the right thing to do or not. It is a difficult decision for us. We don’t want to replace Rosie. But we do want the companionship of a loving animal in our life again.   Can any dog ever replace Rosie, –  No!  They won’t be “Rosie” , but I think our hearts would be big enough to hold another love.   It would be a whole new experience, a whole new chapter in our lives. I’m just not sure when that Chapter should start. But I do know I am very tired of being sad, and very lonely, and wish my tears would turn into happy memories of Rosie. My tears don’t bring Rosie back, they don’t make me feel better, I just get sadder. My tears need to move on into sweet memories of my Rosie Girl.  We will love Rosie Forever!!!
April 6, 2011 @ 11:58 pm
Bless you and your memories of beautiful Rosie. She was such sweet, gorgeous girl.
April 7, 2011 @ 12:49 am
When they are special, like Rosie it is very, very hard.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get over losing my Comet because she was so much more to me as she became my indentity. I was Comet’s mom after all!
But I have to say, you must get another one. I was told that by my regular doctor who knew how heartbroken I was when I lost Rugby, Comet’s companion. He was right. And thanks to Rocket aka monkeybutt, I moved forward. Now that Comet is gone and Rocket was alone, I had to get another dog for him. And now we have Cosmo. aka “The Monkeyboys”.
Is it the same? No. Is is good? Yes. Your heart opens up and you’ll find you have more love for another one without guilt. You get to cherish the memories of that special dog you lost and yet make more with a new member of the family.
I promise you, a new golden will make your life happy. Our hearts have room for a lot of love. And your Rosie would want you to be happy and love again. They lived on this earth trying to make us happy, they would be upset if we didn’t give our love to another and be happy.
Sending you warm wishes,
Angel Comet’s mom
April 7, 2011 @ 2:17 am
You will know when it’s time, and your new family member will find you when you’re ready. And it won’t be a replacement for your Rosie, it will be another love, a different love. Don’t worry about forgetting your girl, because you never will. We lost our first dog in 2003 and I still think about her nearly every day. How could I not? She brought so much sunshine and love into my life, there’s no way I could ever forget her and her wonderful smile.
April 7, 2011 @ 9:08 am
you’re right, there will never be another rosie…but you also know that rosie would want you to be happy and remember her fondly and with a smile and fewer tears. when the time is right, you’ll start that new chapter. you have hearts big enough to share them again.
charon & gayle
April 7, 2011 @ 3:13 pm
You’ll never forget Ma, her spirit is in your heart. All you have to do is look deep within and the memory of her beautiful life with you will be there.
When the time is right, she’ll send a new pup your way. Until then, don’t be in a hurry, you’ll know when she’s ready to help you make that move.
Rosie, your memory will always live on here at Tripawds. You will always be a hero in our book!
April 7, 2011 @ 3:25 pm
Your card is a beautiful tribute, please don’t be so hard on yourself. Rosie would never want you to feel bad, just look at her smile!
It took me nearly a year to finally produce Jerry’s tribute video.
Feeling many of the thoughts you express here, we started a topic where members are sharing their feelings about getting another dog in the Coping With loss discussion forum.
Thanks for checking in!