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Rosie's Rose Garden – Life!

Rosie lives to smell the Roses and Survive Cancer.

How to Live Without Our Rosie Girl?

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 4:24 pm on Saturday, September 25, 2010

We don’t know how to live without Rosie right now??!!   We are questioning everything that happened this week.  Did we make a mistake taking her to get checked out, did the Doctors make a mistake doing the Core Biopsy.  What went wrong?  All we know is she is gone and we can’t get her back.  […]

Rosie Went to Sleep 9/22/10

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 11:24 am on Friday, September 24, 2010

Wondering What Tomorrow will bring?

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 5:59 pm on Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tomorrow we go to the hospital again.  I wrote last week.  Rosie has a huge mass/lump size of your palm or hand on her chest.  It is not soft, it seems hard and it is near the surface.  I’m trying to prepare for the worst.  It  is so large that is why I fear the […]

Rosie’s Here 1 Year after Diagnosis!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosiesmom at 10:53 am on Wednesday, September 15, 2010

To everyone who fears loosing their beautiful doggy companion. Rosie has been the most wonderful dog companion I’ve every had.  We can’t imagine being without her.  We’ve had a rough summer.  It’s been very hot here in Florida and Rosie couldn’t stand to go outside for very long.  So exercise was at a minimum.  She did a […]